Friday, September 26, 2008


Tiberias was established by Herod Antipas and named after his patron Tiberius around 19 CE. From that time, it grew to be the major Roman city in the Galilee and the center of the late Byzantine Jewish community. Despite its historical importance, the ruins and excavations at Tiberias have not received the attention that they deserve. Fortunately that is changing. The state of Israel recently has made a commitment to showcase the ancient city of Tiberias.

In the virtual tour of Tiberias you can visit some of the prominent parts of the ancient city. From the church on Mt. Berenice, overlooking the ancient and modern town, to the basilica by the sea; from the marketplace – both Byzantine and Abbasid – to the large bath, you can get a vivid perspective of life in ancient Tiberias. Come take a look.

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